Finding our self
As a writer i can say finding our self is the best achievement in our life
You can meet a new person in you
A new soul with lot of passion and goodness
You can find the incomplete activities in you and develope them to achieve
God has given a great opportunity to meet yourself daily
Me,myself ,and I
But before you start thinking about how you relate to others,
it makes sense first to understand your relationship with yourself. The way you
feel about yourself affects nearly every choice you make. This includes your
behavior, your attitude, and your goals, as well as the people you choose to hang
out with and get close to.
So what kind of relationship do you have with yourself? How well do you
even know yourself? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Are
you aware of your own feelings and how to express them in healthy ways? Are
you comfortable in new situations? When dealing with people you don’t agree
with, do you stand up for yourself and your beliefs?
Not sure of all the answers yet? That’s okay. Life’s for learning, and learning
about yourself is an excellent place to start. The better you know yourself and
what’s right for you, the easier it is to make wise choices. And wise choices are
the ones that keep you moving in a positive direction
The world presents plenty of things to get angry about: war, injustice, poverty,
environmental abuse, and so on. But it doesn’t do you
No matter what causes your anger, bottling it up inside won’t help. You
have to let it out. This is the best way to deal with it.
For many people, releasing anger means yelling, swearing, plotting revenge,
or using physical violence. How do you handle anger? If you’re upset with a
friend, do you say mean things or bring up hurt feelings from the past? Maybe
you stop talking to the person altogether, and the friendship ends. How about
when you get mad at your brother or sister? Do you scream and threaten? Hit?
Throw things? Do you storm into your room and slam the door, silently hating
everyone and everything?
If any of this sounds familiar, you already know that dealing with anger in
these ways doesn’t feel good. But did you know that these behaviors aren’t
healthy? Acting out or holding in anger doesn’t solve anything. In fact, it often
makes the situation worse.
The good news is you can learn to express your anger without being violent
or hurtful. Whenever you’re mad at someone, take some time to calm down
before you react. Then follow these steps to help yourself get a grip
1. Get away from the person you’re angry with. Before you and the other
person can resolve the conflict, you have to gain control of yourself. Explain
that you need some time alone, and then find a quiet place to think.
2. Take some slow, deep breaths.
Deep breathing will slow down your
racing heart and help you clear your min
head—slowly. This is a chance for you to calm down and get some perspective
on what happened.
3. Think about the situation.
It takes at least two people to create a conflict.
What was your part in this one? Ask yourself the following questions and think
carefully about your answers: What did I do that added to the conflict? What
did I forget to do that added to it? What do I wish I’d said or done instead of
what I actually said or did? What could I do differently next time?
4. Look at the conflict from the other person’s
how he/she feels about what happened between you. If you were that person,
how would you have acted or reacted?
5. Write down exactly what you’d like to say to this person.
. You don’t have to show it to anyone, so
don’t hold back. Keep writing until you get a lot of the anger out of your system or jusr travel
Untill you booze out.
Have you ever wished you could vanish from the planet because of something
you said or did? Everyone has embarrassed themselves at one time or another
yes, even the coolest people you know. No one’s perfect, and we all make mistakes. It’s called being human.
When you do something embarrassing, missing
a foul shot, or asking a question that the teacher says he just answered, give
yourself a break. At these moments, it may feel as if everyone is staring at you,
laughing, and thinking that you’re a complete idiot. But this just isn’t true! Most
people are much too concerned about their own mistakes to focus on yours.
If you think you’ve made a fool of yourself and don’t know what to do next,
follow these tips on dealing with embarrassment:
Don’t get defensive or try to
hide your feelings. You might even laugh and say, “Whoa! Am I embarrassed!”
The feelings will pass more quickly if you don’t try to cover them up or pretend
they don’t exist.
2.Forgive yourself. You made a mistake. It happens. Stop beating yourself
up. If you’ve hurt or embarrassed someone else, apologize. Sometimes this is
the hardest part, but it’s important to say you’re sorry, because it will make both of you and the other person feel better.
3. Move on. Put the embarrassing moment where it belongs: in the past. Push
yourself if you have to but get on with your life. If someone kids you about what
happened, say, “Oh, yeah! That was pretty embarrassing.” Laugh and show that
you can handle the teasing. Other people will soon forget about the embarrassing moment—and you will, too.
4. Think before you act or speak. Remembering this will save you from
some embarrassing moments. There’s no guarantee that it will prevent all
embarrassments, but it can help reduce them
Its all about today
Hope we will caught up later in part 2
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